4th ICPR AEM Poznań 2024

Moving to New Production Research and Management Paradigms
 28 June - 3 July 2024


4th ICPR AEM Poznań 2024

Moving to New Production Research and Management Paradigms

28 June – 3 July 2024


Faculty of Engineering Management

2 J.Rychlewski Street

60-965 Poznan


Proposing special sessions: 31 March

Extend abstracts deadline: 15 May

Abstracts acceptance: 31 May

Full papers: 15 August

Reviews: 15 September

Final versions: 15 October


New final program

Dear Participants! Here You find actual conference program: program See You soon 🙂

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New dates

Dear Participants, new dates for submitting full articles and payment deadlines are publicated now on our website.

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Registration form

Registration form is available below the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScSrRTpnoq7ggG5jfZvL1ihqk7dl8gbKUqSr5hSb9MhMXMWYg/viewform

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Keynote speakers

We are pleased to present the keynote speakers as part of the 4th ICPR AEM 2024.

Univ.Prof. Dr.Ing. Oliver Riedel


Univ. Prof. Dr. Gerhard Weber

   New Contributions to Aggregate Production Planning with Outsourcing under Uncertain Seasonal Demand – Supported by Human Factors (S. Gütmen, G.-W. Weber, A. Goli, E. Babaee Tirkolaee and A. Özmen)

Prof. Ph.D. Eng. Daniela Popescu

   Key Points on Romanian strategy on Artificial Intelligence

Topics of Interest

The ICPR AEM organizing committee is pleased to present a wide list of topics of interest.


Cyber-Physical Systems

Risk mitigation

Innovation in products and processes


Labs of the future

Digital Twin

Risk assessment

Organizational maturity

Decision making

Green Energy


Logistics and mobility


S.C. Finance

Circular economy

Industry of the future

AI in Industry 4.0

Living labs

Sustainable development

