


  • Proposing special sessions: 31 March
  • Abstracts: 15 April
  • Extend abstract deadline: 15 May
  • Abstracts acceptance: 31 May
  • Full papers: 15 August
  • Reviews: 15 September
  • Final versions: 15 October

ICPR AEM 2024 welcomes submissions of abstracts, posters and full papers. Submissions should be made electronically via EasyChair system. If you do not have an easychair account, you need to register before you can access the submission page. Registration is free.

Link for submission

Abstract template is available now.

Special sessions

ICPR AEM Conference offers opportunity to organize special sessions.

Special session is a set of oral presentations that are highly specialized in some particular theme or consisting of the works of some particular international project. The goal of special session is to provide a focused discussion on innovative topics.

If you are interested in organizing a special session please collect 4-9 contributions presenting a unifying research theme and send a session proposal to Each special session proposal must contain a session title, names of organizers, a summary describing the motivation and relevance of the proposed session, and a list of the contributions including paper/abstract titles, author names, affiliations and brief descriptions.


The selected papers will be published by Springer as EcoProduction Environmental Issues in Logistics and Manufacturing  series. They will be submitted to, among others, Google Scholar.

The selected papers will be recommended for the publication in the assosieted journals, as follows:

  • LogForum Scientific Journal of Logistics

  • International Journal of Production Research
  • International Journal of Production Economics